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Niall talks to Jason Byrne about life, comedy and COVID

Niall Boylan | March 24, 2021 close

One of Irelands and Britain’s best known comedians talks to Niall about life, death, comedy and Covid. 

Niall Boylan talked to Ari Dennis who is non binary, refers to their 11-month-old child as “theybe

Niall Boylan | March 24, 2021 close

Niall Boylan was joined with Ari Dennis on Wednesday evening. Ari who is non binary, refers to their 11-month-old child as “theybe”. Ari wants the child to consider their options before deciding on what gender they are. Ari’s older child, Hazel, discovered her gender at the age of four. She […]

Niall speaks to celebrity chef Paul Trevaud and why he’s defying Covid lockdown.

Niall Boylan | March 24, 2021 close

Restaurant owner Paul Treyvaud talks to Niall about his business during the pandemic and the governments handling of everythin‪g‬. Paul has decided to open his restaurant on the 1st of July in defiance of government guidelines.

Katie Hopkins on The Niall Boylan Show

Katie Hopkins on The Niall Boylan Show | January 1, 1970 close

From August 2018: Katie Hopkins joins Niall Boylan to discuss her recent comments regarding children and James Bond .

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    Parent or Protector? When a Father Strikes Back at a Bully Episode 371
    Niall Boylan

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