About Niall
Niall has been described as fearless, controversial, insightful, compassionate and yes, even funny! But be warned, he may cause your blood to boil.
The Niall Boylan Show is the home of Late Night and Daytime Talk Radio in Ireland for many years. Every weekday at midday Niall provides Classic Hits Radio in Ireland with breaking stories, news & current affairs with social and topical debates, interviews with politicians, people in the news, guests, and real people with real life stories. Niall has been known to ask the questions nobody else in media will ask but the questions you want to know the answers to.
Niall became a public figure in 1998 on Dublin’s 98FM having worked on Dublin’s FM104 as a reporter and journalist in 1996. His charisma, raw talent and unfiltered attitude to the nation’s top stories garnered him media attention and recognition as one of Ireland’s top broadcasters who never shies away from the truth. In 2011 he made the move to Ireland’s Classic Hits as the presenter of his own talk show called The Niall Boylan Show. It was from here his fan base grew exponentially and before long he was making TV appearances on ITV’s Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan, The Tonight Show on Virgin Media and The Cutting Edge on Ireland’s national broadcaster RTÉ. Niall has made guest appearances on radio stations across Ireland, the UK and the United States, even getting a mention from Mr Ben Shapiro and many other media commentators around the world. Throughout the years Niall has proved himself to be a highly skilled journalist and broadcaster who will stop at nothing to bring the facts of the stories to the public.
Within the last seven years he has achieved over a 200% increase in reach figures (JNLR Independent Irish Radio Ratings), received five PPI Radio Awards (Yearly Irish Industry Awards including “Speech Broadcaster Of The Year”) and four World Radio Awards including twice winning the prestigious Gold Award for “International Best Scheduled Talk Show” at the New York World Radio Awards 2017 and 2019.
Niall has provided Media Training and advice to many high profile people and is often in high demand for his talents and services. Niall is a great believer in Free Speech but does understand and appreciate the boundaries of the Radio Broadcasting guidelines in Ireland and around the world. This is why Niall has now decided to open his own site and internet version of his show without those restrictions and boundaries.
They told me to shut up!…