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Would You Allow Your Child To Leave School For A Trade? Episode 221

Niall Boylan | May 7, 2024
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    Would You Allow Your Child To Leave School For A Trade? Episode 221
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall addresses a pressing question: Would you allow your child to leave school for a trade?

The topic arises from an email sent in by a listener, Pauline, who is torn between her son’s passion for working with his hands and her concerns about his future without completing his Leaving Cert.

Pauline’s son, 16, has struggled academically but shows real talent and interest in working with his father in the family garage. While Pauline is worried about her son’s future without a Leaving Cert qualification, her husband sees an opportunity for their son to start an apprenticeship and work full-time in the family business.

Niall opens up the lines to callers to hear their opinions on this dilemma.

Some callers completely understand Pauline’s dilemma and believe her son’s passion and talent lie in working with his hands. They argue that traditional education isn’t the right path for everyone and suggest that Pauline should support her son’s interest in pursuing a trade.

However, other callers sympathize with Pauline’s concerns about her son’s future. They believe it’s important for him to complete his Leaving Cert before making any decisions about his career.

Niall reflects on the diverse perspectives shared by callers and the challenges faced by parents like Pauline in guiding their children’s education and career choices.

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    Niall Boylan

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