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#17 Is It A Parents Or Schools Job To Educate Children About Sex?

Niall Boylan | June 8, 2023
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    #17 Is It A Parents Or Schools Job To Educate Children About Sex?
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall explores the ongoing debate surrounding Ireland’s new sex education bill. He interviews two guests with contrasting views on the topic: Jana Lunden, a representative from the Natural Women’s Council, and Clarity Mills, a sex educator, dominatrix, and life coach.

The conversation revolves around whether it is the responsibility of parents or schools to educate children about sex. The guests present their perspectives, informed by their own beliefs and experiences.

Jana Lunden expresses opposition to teaching sexually explicit and gender theory ideologies in schools, arguing that such material is inappropriate for children.

On the other hand, Clarity Mills believes it is crucial to educate children about sex to counter the influence of pornography and provide them with accurate information. She emphasizes the importance of teaching safe and responsible sexual practices and discussing gender and its ideology.

Throughout the episode, callers join the discussion, sharing their own viewpoints. The majority of callers express openness to sex education as long as it is age-appropriate and tailored to junior cycle-level children.

Tensions rise during a heated debate when Malachy Steenson voices his strong opposition to the proposed curriculum material. Another caller offers a counterargument, disagreeing with Malachy’s viewpoint.

Niall wraps up the episode by emphasizing the significance of allowing children to retain their innocence and ensuring clarity in their understanding of complex topics. He also highlights the importance of empathy towards individuals struggling with their identity.

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    From Mourning to Moving On: How Soon Is Acceptable? Episode 378
    Niall Boylan

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