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Niall talks to Dr. Caoimhe Hartley, who is an expert on menopause

Niall Boylan | May 17, 2021
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    Niall talks to Dr. Caoimhe Hartley, who is an expert on menopause
    Niall Boylan

Niall spoke to the founder of Menopause Health  Dr. Caoimhe Hartley.

Since qualifying in Medicine from UCD in 2007, Dr. Hartley has developed her skills and expertise in the area of Women’s Health and Menopause care. She became accredited by both the North American Menopause Society and the British Menopause Society. She was recently honoured to become a British Menopause Society Trainer.

She was awarded membership of the Irish College of General Practice in 2013, obtaining diplomate status with the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists’ in 2012 and achieving a certificate in Women’s Health from the Irish College of General Practice.


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