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My Neighbor Is A Pedophile And The Police Wouldn’t Tell Me Episode 159

Niall Boylan | February 19, 2024
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    My Neighbor Is A Pedophile And The Police Wouldn’t Tell Me Episode 159
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall explores a sensitive and contentious issue: Should you have the right to know if there is a sex offender living near you? The topic arises from a listener’s email, prompting a discussion on the powers of the police in Ireland regarding the disclosure of information about sex offenders.

Niall provides insights into the powers of the Gardaí to disclose information about offenders on the sex offenders register, particularly if they believe there is a serious risk to the public and it is deemed necessary. He outlines the information that can be disclosed, including the offender’s name, photograph, current address, nature of the offense, and the risk posed to the public.

As the lines open to callers, diverse perspectives emerge. Some strongly advocate for the right of individuals to know if there is a sex offender living nearby, citing public safety and transparency as paramount concerns. Others express reservations, highlighting the potential for fear, stigma, and vigilantism that may result from public disclosure.

Amidst the debate, questions arise about the balance between public safety and the rights and dignity of individuals who have served their sentence. While safety remains a priority, callers emphasize the importance of effective rehabilitation programs and community support for both offenders and survivors.

Tune in to gain valuable insights into this complex and sensitive issue, as Niall navigates the nuances of public disclosure and community safety in the context of sex offender registration.

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    From Advocacy to Action: Derek Byrne’s Fight for Change
    Niall Boylan

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