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Bring Back Shame? Episode 101

Niall Boylan | October 31, 2023
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    Bring Back Shame? Episode 101
    Niall Boylan

In this intriguing episode, Niall delves into a pressing question: Is the loss of shame a detriment to our society? Drawing from thought-provoking insights, Niall sets the stage for a captivating discussion.

Niall emphasizes the historical role of shame as a guiding force in human behavior. It once acted as a moral compass, influencing our choices and triggering remorse for wrongdoings. Shame was associated with high standards and served as an early warning system, compelling individuals to reform their conduct.

Yet, this sense of shame seems to have dwindled over time, leaving people more open to deceitful acts and a shift towards selfishness, greed, and self-absorption. This episode explores how a society that has seemingly lost its moral anchor is grappling with issues like the expression of sexuality, political decision-making, advocacy agendas, and the transformation of laws.

Niall invites listeners to share their perspectives on this complex topic. Some callers argue that the loss of shame has led to a rise in immorality and selfishness, negatively impacting society. They lament the changes in sexual expression, political decisions, and the influence of various agendas.

On the other side of the debate, some callers highlight the benefits of a shame-free society. They see it as a pathway to more open and accepting conversations, fostering freedom of thought and expression. These individuals suggest that the absence of shame doesn’t necessarily equate to a loss of morality but rather encourages diversity and understanding.

Join the conversation as Niall leads a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences and advantages of the diminishing sense of shame in our society.

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    A Name, A Lie, A Marriage on the Brink Episode 363
    Niall Boylan

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