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Betting on Forgiveness: Can a Gambler Be Trusted Again? Episode 325

Niall Boylan | December 3, 2024
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    Betting on Forgiveness: Can a Gambler Be Trusted Again? Episode 325
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall explores the challenges of living with a gambling addict, asking, Can a gambler be trusted again? The conversation is inspired by an emotional email from a listener whose husband relapsed into gambling and lost their Christmas savings. With three young children and a history of broken promises, she wonders whether to give him another chance or end the marriage for the sake of her family.

Some callers argue that gambling destroys families and that this listener has already gone above and beyond by giving her husband multiple chances. They believe the trust is irreparably broken and that she should focus on protecting her children and her own well-being rather than trying to save someone who isn’t willing to change.

Other callers emphasize that addiction is a disease and that her husband needs professional help, not abandonment. They suggest that if he’s genuinely willing to seek counseling or attend Gamblers Anonymous, she should consider working with him to rebuild trust for the sake of their family.

Niall wraps up by reflecting on the complexities of addiction, trust, and forgiveness, acknowledging the difficult choices faced by families in such situations.

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    A Name, A Lie, A Marriage on the Brink Episode 363
    Niall Boylan

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