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Is Marriage An Outdated Concept? Episode 81

Niall Boylan | September 25, 2023 close

In this episode, Niall Boylan asks the age-old question: Is marriage an outdated concept? As society undergoes significant changes in the realm of relationships and family structures, it’s essentia…

Julian Assange Life After Arrest With Stella Assange

Niall Boylan | August 3, 2023 close

In this gripping and eye-opening episode, Niall sits down with Stella Assange, the wife of Julian Assange, to discuss the tumultuous life Julian has faced since his arrest in 2019. With the….

Should books with explicit sexual content be removed from the children’s section in Libraries? Episode 49

Niall Boylan | July 31, 2023 close

In recent times, the presence of certain books addressing gender and sexual ideologies in schools and libraries across Ireland has sparked controversy. Over the weekend, protests erupted outside….

Is Supporting The Catholic Wrong After All The Damage They Have Done?

Niall Boylan | July 27, 2023 close

In the wake of the tragic news of Sinead O’Connor’s passing, the iconic singer who famously protested the Catholic Church’s corruption and the sexual abuse scandal on SNL in 1992, today’s episode….

Should Lgbtq+ Issues Be Part Of Sex Education In Schools with David Quinn And Derek Byrne

Niall Boylan | July 26, 2023 close

In this thought-provoking episode, Niall dives into the contentious topic of whether LGBTQ+ issues should be included in sex education in schools. Joining him are David Quinn, a columnist from the….

Should Lgbtq+ Issues Be Part Of Sex Education In Schools Episode 47

Niall Boylan | July 26, 2023 close

In this thought-provoking episode, Niall dives into the contentious topic of whether LGBTQ+ issues should be included in sex education in schools. Joining him are David Quinn, a columnist from the….

Should Drink Drivers Be Banned For Life?

Niall Boylan | July 25, 2023 close

In this gripping and emotionally charged episode, Niall tackles the controversial question: “Should Drink Drivers Be Banned For Life?” The topic emerges in the wake of a recent news story about a….

David Thunder Dares To Disagree With The “C” Word

Niall Boylan | July 24, 2023 close

In this thought-provoking episode, Niall invites David Thunder, a distinguished Political Philosopher, to challenge the sensational headlines surrounding the extreme heat in Europe. As an expert in…

Should Your Employer Have To Give You Time Off For A Dead Pet?

Niall Boylan | July 24, 2023 close

In this emotional and thought-provoking episode, Niall delves into the question: “Should Your Employer Have To Give You Time Off For A Dead Pet?” The topic sparks a diverse range of reactions from….

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    Clean Slate or Public Record? Should Juvenile Offenses Be Erased at 18? Episode 374
    Niall Boylan

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