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Article 41: How Are You Voting Yes Or No? Episode 161

Niall Boylan | February 20, 2024
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    Article 41: How Are You Voting Yes Or No? Episode 161
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall explores the upcoming referendum on Article 41, posing a critical question to listeners: How will you vote—yes or no? Scheduled for March 8th, 2024, which coincides with International Women’s Day, the referendum aims to amend Article 41.1.1 of the Irish Constitution.

Currently, Article 41.1.1 recognizes the family “as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society,” primarily founded on marriage. However, the proposed amendment seeks to redefine the family as “whether founded on marriage or on other durable relationships.” Additionally, Article 41.2, which acknowledges the role of women within the home, will be removed and replaced with a broader statement recognizing caregiving within families.

As Niall opens the lines to callers, opinions diverge. Few support for voting yes, arguing that updating the Constitution to include all types of families reflects the reality of modern Ireland. They emphasize the importance of inclusivity and equal recognition for diverse family structures.

Conversely, others voice concerns about the proposed changes. While acknowledging the need to reflect contemporary realities, they caution against removing Article 41.2, which recognizes the significant contribution of women in caregiving roles. They fear that deleting this provision may devalue the traditional family structure and prioritize non-traditional arrangements.

Join the discussion as Niall delves into the complexities of the referendum, encouraging listeners to weigh the implications and make an informed decision on voting day.

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    A Name, A Lie, A Marriage on the Brink Episode 363
    Niall Boylan

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