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Would You Vote Yes To A United Ireland With Malachy Steenson And Gerry Carlile

Niall Boylan | June 20, 2023
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    Would You Vote Yes To A United Ireland With Malachy Steenson And Gerry Carlile
    Niall Boylan

Join Niall as he hosts a riveting episode tackling a highly contentious question: “Would You Vote Yes to a United Ireland?” With a focus on the historical conflict known as “the Troubles” between Ireland and the Republic, this episode delves into the complexities of Irish reunification.

Niall is joined by two prominent guests who bring their unique insights to the discussion. Malachy Steenson, a solicitor and political activist, is known for his extensive experience in legal and political matters. He approaches the topic with caution, acknowledging the desire for a united Ireland but emphasizing the importance of careful consideration, given the financial and cultural challenges involved.

Gerry Carlile, the Chief Executive of Ireland’s Future, adds his perspective to the debate. With a keen understanding of the current political landscape, he believes that while there may not be an immediate public mandate for a referendum, the government should proactively prepare for such a scenario in the future.

The conversation delves into the intricacies of Irish unity, exploring financial implications, cultural differences, and the practical considerations of bringing both sides of the border together. Niall moderates the discussion, providing a balanced platform for the guests to express their views and engage with each other’s arguments..

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode as Niall, Malachy Steenson, Gerry Carlile, and callers explore the question of voting for a united Ireland, weighing the benefits and challenges and engaging in a meaningful dialogue about the future of the island.

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