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Ultrasound ‘paramount’ Before Abortion Says Expert With Niamh Uí Bhriain

Niall Boylan | April 3, 2024
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    Ultrasound ‘paramount’ Before Abortion Says Expert With Niamh Uí Bhriain
    Niall Boylan

In this compelling interview, Niall engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Niamh Uí Bhriain, Editor at Gript Media, about a recent article she authored regarding a concerning abortion scandal in Ireland.

The article sheds light on a shocking case uncovered by Gript, where a woman’s life was endangered due to the failure to provide ultrasounds before prescribing abortion pills. Medical experts have warned that this practice, which neglects to screen for ectopic pregnancies, could lead to maternal deaths. Despite the gravity of the situation, there has been a conspicuous absence of media coverage and accountability from government officials.

Niamh elaborates on the critical importance of ultrasounds in assessing pregnancy and ruling out ectopic pregnancies, emphasizing that this essential medical procedure should not be overlooked in abortion care. She highlights the government’s refusal to include an ultrasound provision in abortion legislation, citing political motivations that prioritize ideology over women’s health and safety.

Throughout the interview, Niall and Niamh delve into the broader implications of this alarming case, discussing media bias, political resistance to change, and the urgent need for transparency and accountability in abortion provision. They also explore the role of alternative media outlets like Gript in uncovering stories that mainstream media often overlooks.

As the conversation unfolds, Niall guides the discussion with insightful questions, allowing listeners to gain deeper insights into the complexities surrounding abortion policy and healthcare practices in Ireland.

In concluding the interview, Niall reflects on the significance of investigative journalism in exposing critical issues and advocating for change. He encourages listeners to remain vigilant and engaged in advocating for women’s health and safety in abortion care.

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    From Advocacy to Action: Derek Byrne’s Fight for Change
    Niall Boylan

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