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Snitches Get Stitches Episode 247

Niall Boylan | July 11, 2024
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    Snitches Get Stitches Episode 247
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall asks: Would you report bad driving or reckless behavior on the roads? Gardai will soon be asking the public to report drivers speeding, driving poorly, or acting recklessly. Would you participate, or would you never report other drivers?

The topic arises from an article about road users who capture video evidence of road traffic offenses. Soon, they will be able to upload the footage through an online service rather than bringing it to Garda stations. The new system is set to be in place by the end of 2026, as part of a major investment by the Department of Justice in video and digital management systems for the Gardai. This includes the use of body cams by every active member of the force to collect, store, and manage video evidence. The public will be able to directly share any video evidence they have of possible offenses, which the Gardai can then use in investigations and court prosecutions.

Some callers would definitely report bad driving or reckless behavior. They believe it’s important to ensure everyone’s safety. Dangerous driving puts lives at risk, and reporting it could prevent serious accidents. They argue that we all have a responsibility to keep our roads safe, and reporting dangerous drivers helps the Gardai take necessary actions to improve road safety.

Other callers feel that reporting minor infractions, like slightly speeding or not using a turn signal, is excessive. They suggest that people make mistakes and not every minor error warrants a report. However, if they saw someone driving extremely recklessly or endangering lives, they would consider reporting it. They believe that unless it’s a severe case where someone is clearly putting others at risk, it’s better not to get involved.

Niall wraps up the episode by summarizing the diverse viewpoints of the callers and reflecting on the balance between road safety and personal responsibility.

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    Champion of Reputations: Protecting the Famous and the Everyday Citizen. With Paul Tweed
    Niall Boylan

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