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Should manual laborers be paid the same as skilled workers? Episode 222

Niall Boylan | May 8, 2024
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    Should manual laborers be paid the same as skilled workers? Episode 222
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall tackles the question: Should manual laborers be paid the same as skilled workers?

Some callers argue that manual laborers should be paid the same as skilled workers. They emphasize that manual laborers make significant contributions to projects and without their hard work, skilled workers wouldn’t be able to do their jobs effectively. It’s crucial to recognize the value of all workers and pay them fairly for their contributions.

However, other callers disagree with the idea that manual laborers should be paid the same as skilled workers. They believe that skilled workers have invested time and effort into developing their expertise and should be compensated accordingly. Paying manual laborers the same as skilled workers could undermine the value of specialized skills and discourage people from pursuing careers in skilled trades.

Niall reflects on the diverse perspectives shared by callers and the complexities of determining fair wages for different types of work.

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