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Should expat Irish citizens vote in Irish elections? Episode 224

Niall Boylan | May 13, 2024
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    Should expat Irish citizens vote in Irish elections? Episode 224
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall explores the question: Should expat Irish citizens have the right to vote in Irish elections? The discussion was sparked by a message from an Irish man living in America who believes he should be allowed a postal vote in Irish elections. Should Irish citizens living abroad be allowed to vote?

Some callers argue that Irish citizens living abroad should have the right to vote in Irish elections. They believe that living outside of Ireland doesn’t diminish their connection to the country, and they should still have a say in its future. Allowing Irish citizens abroad to vote ensures that they can participate in the democratic process and have a voice in the decisions that affect their homeland.

However, other callers disagree with the idea of allowing Irish citizens living abroad to vote in Irish elections. They argue that voting should be reserved for residents who are directly impacted by the decisions made by the government. Allowing postal votes for Irish citizens abroad could dilute the voices of those who actually live in Ireland.

The question of whether Irish citizens living abroad should have the right to vote in Irish elections is a complex issue with passionate arguments on both sides. While some believe that voting rights should extend to all Irish citizens, regardless of where they live, others argue that the right to vote should be reserved for those directly affected by the decisions of the Irish government. As Ireland continues to grapple with this question, it’s essential to consider the diverse perspectives and implications of such a decision.

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