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Should Deadly Force Be Allowed to Defend Your Home? Episode 337

Niall Boylan | January 7, 2025
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    Should Deadly Force Be Allowed to Defend Your Home? Episode 337
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall asks a controversial question: Should you have the right to use deadly force to protect your home? Under current Irish law, killing a burglar can lead to a murder charge, leaving many homeowners wondering if they have enough legal protection.

Some callers argue that if someone breaks into a home, the resident should be able to defend themselves and their family by any means necessary, including lethal force. They believe homeowners shouldn’t fear prison for defending their property, and that burglars knowingly accept the risk of being harmed when they break in.

Others feel that using deadly force goes too far. They point out there are alternatives like calling the Garda, using non-lethal deterrents, or simply scaring off the intruder. In their view, taking a life is a grave action that can lead to tragic mistakes, especially if the situation wasn’t as dangerous as it first appeared.

Niall concludes the show by acknowledging the dilemma between a homeowner’s right to feel safe and the moral weight of taking a life. Listeners are left to consider whether a change in the law would bring greater security—or risk more tragic outcomes.

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    Niall Boylan

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