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Politics And Pancakes With Paul Treyvaud

Niall Boylan | February 13, 2024
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    Politics And Pancakes With Paul Treyvaud
    Niall Boylan

In this special episode, celebrity chef Paul Treyvaud takes the audience on a culinary journey, showcasing the art of cooking the perfect pancake just in time for Pancake Tuesday. With his expertise and flair, Paul demonstrates step-by-step instructions for creating delectable pancakes that are sure to tantalize the taste buds.

But it’s not just a cooking lesson; alongside the sizzle of the griddle, Paul serves up a healthy portion of his signature commentary on Irish politics. With candor and wit, he shares his insights on what irks him about the political landscape in Ireland, offering a unique blend of culinary delights and political perspectives.

Listeners are treated to a dynamic fusion of gastronomy and governance, as Paul infuses his cooking demonstration with lively discussions on current political issues, providing food for thought alongside the pancakes.

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    Niall Boylan

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