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Married Man With 3 Children Admits He Is Gay On Air

Niall Boylan | July 6, 2023
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    Married Man With 3 Children Admits He Is Gay On Air
    Niall Boylan

During the show, a surprising revelation unfolds when a caller named Dave shares his views on pronoun usage. When asked by Niall about his sexual orientation, Dave initially hesitates but eventually discloses that he is gay and married to a woman, unbeknownst to her. This disclosure sparks intense discussions among callers, with some expressing disgust at Dave’s infidelity, particularly with another man. Subsequently, Dave’s brother-in-law discovers his identity through his voice on the show and plans to inform Dave’s wife about his sexual orientation.

Despite the differing reactions, several callers express sympathy towards Dave’s situation, acknowledging the need for him to seek guidance and support. Ultimately, the consensus among callers is that Dave should be honest with his wife about his sexual orientation.

As the episode concludes, Niall wraps up the show, summarizing the various viewpoints expressed during the discussion. The episode leaves listeners contemplating the complexities surrounding gender pronouns and the importance of honesty and communication in personal relationships.

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    Married & Hiding: The Secret Lives of Gay Men in Straight Marriages Episode 359
    Niall Boylan

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