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40 Days for Life With Robert Colquhoun Episode 311

Niall Boylan | November 4, 2024
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    40 Days for Life With Robert Colquhoun Episode 311
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall speaks to Robert Colquhoun, Director of International Campaigns for 40 Days for Life. Together, they explore the controversial issue of buffer zones around abortion clinics and the implications for free speech and peaceful assembly. Robert shares the challenges pro-life activists face in the UK and Ireland with the advent of these zones, which he describes as “censorship zones” that inhibit the right to “peacefully, prayerfully, and legally” assemble.

Robert discusses how these zones restrict the ability to offer support and information to those considering abortion, noting that “it bans help where it’s needed the most.” He points out that 40 Days for Life’s vigils are peaceful and empathetic, aiming to provide “a simple offer of help” without judgment. He adds, “Silent prayer is actually one of the most effective ways of reaching those who are considering abortion.”

The episode also touches on the broader social implications of abortion laws, with Robert warning of a “demographic crisis” in Europe and describing abortion as “not healthcare” but “the ending of a unique and unrepeatable human life.” Reflecting on the power of public witness and the pushback they receive, Robert remarks, “The bias in the media is genuinely extraordinary… the truth could not be further from what’s often portrayed.”

Tune in to hear an impassioned discussion on the intersection of free speech, activism, and the complexities surrounding abortion legislation.

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    A Name, A Lie, A Marriage on the Brink Episode 363
    Niall Boylan

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