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Not Good Enough for Me: Can Class Bias Break a Relationship? Episode 373

Niall Boylan | March 11, 2025
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    Not Good Enough for Me: Can Class Bias Break a Relationship? Episode 373
    Niall Boylan

In this episode, Niall discusses a dilemma sent in by a listener who is facing a serious issue in his marriage. The listener and his wife are house hunting, and he wants to move back to Finglas, where he grew up. However, his wife refuses to even consider the idea, saying she would rather die than live in a council estate. Her reaction has caused a major rift between them, and he’s questioning whether their different backgrounds will ultimately break their marriage.

His email details how he has fond memories of Finglas and still has family and friends there, but his wife insists that they should aim for a so-called “better” area. She believes council estates have too many problems—crime, anti-social behavior, and a bad reputation—and won’t even entertain the idea of moving there. He’s torn between his own attachment to his homeplace and his wife’s strong opposition, and he wants to know: is she just being practical, or is she being a snob?

Some callers think: “It’s not snobbery; it’s just common sense. Council estates do have higher crime rates and more anti-social behavior. If she’s worried about safety or raising their kids in a good environment, she has every right to have concerns. Just because he grew up there doesn’t mean it’s the right place for their future. People move out of areas all the time for a better quality of life.”

While other callers feel: “She’s being completely unreasonable. There are plenty of lovely areas in Finglas, and not all council estates are bad. Just because a place has a reputation doesn’t mean you write it off entirely. If he has family and friends there, why should he have to leave his roots behind just to please her? A home is about the people in it, not just the postcode.”

As the debate rages on, Niall reflects on the deeper issues at play—class perceptions, personal identity, and whether love should be enough to overcome these differences. Should practicality take priority when choosing where to live, or does rejecting certain areas show an unfair bias? It’s a conversation that raises difficult questions about relationships, compromise, and social class.

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    Clean Slate or Public Record? Should Juvenile Offenses Be Erased at 18? Episode 374
    Niall Boylan

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