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Would You Support The Death Penalty Episode 34

Niall Boylan | July 5, 2023 close

In this thought-provoking episode, Niall delves into the controversial topic of the death penalty and asks the crucial question: “Would you support the death penalty?” Drawing upon extensive….

Is Rte Fit For Purpose And Do We Really Need A National Public Service Broadcaster Episode 33

Niall Boylan | July 4, 2023 close

Join Niall as he opens the phone lines to tackle the pressing topic of whether Rté is fit for purpose and if Ireland truly needs a national public service broadcaster. The conversation stems from the

Is Ireland Ready For A Nude Awakening Episode 32

Niall Boylan | July 3, 2023 close

Join Niall as he tackles the lighthearted yet thought-provoking topic of whether Ireland is ready for a “Nude Awakening.” With the increasing attendance at nudist beaches in Ireland, the conversation

In Conversation Niamh Uí Bhriain Of The life Institute Pro- Life Rally Saturday 31st June 2023

Niall Boylan | June 29, 2023 close

In this episode, Niall sits down with Niamh Ui Bhriain to discuss the upcoming Rally for Life, the most anticipated pro-life event of the year, happening in just 2 days. Tune in as Niamh shares her…

Should Biological Males Be Allowed Compete In Women’s Sports Episode 31

Niall Boylan | June 29, 2023 close

Join Niall as he engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Sharron Davies MBE, an esteemed former competitive swimmer who represented Great Britain in the Olympics. In this episode, they delve.

Should Biological Males Be Allowed Compete In Women’s Sports With Sharron Davies MBE

Niall Boylan | June 29, 2023 close

Join Niall as he engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Sharron Davies MBE, an esteemed former competitive swimmer who represented Great Britain in the Olympics. In this episode, they delve.

Should Smoking Be Banned In All Public Outdoor Spaces Episode 30

Niall Boylan | June 28, 2023 close

In this episode, Niall engages in a conversation with John Mallon, a representative from Forest, The Voice and Friend of Smokers, to discuss the contentious issue of whether smoking should be….

Does Ireland Need New Hate Speech Laws Episode 29

Niall Boylan | June 27, 2023 close

In this episode, Niall engages in a discussion with Michael Shellenberger, a renowned author and former public relations professional, to explore the topic of whether Ireland needs new hate speech…

Does Ireland Need New Hate Speech Laws With Michael Shellenberger

Niall Boylan | June 27, 2023 close

In this episode, Niall engages in a discussion with Michael Shellenberger, a renowned author and former public relations professional, to explore the topic of whether Ireland needs new hate speech…

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    Clean Slate or Public Record? Should Juvenile Offenses Be Erased at 18? Episode 374
    Niall Boylan

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