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Video Podcasts

Is It Time To Excommunicate The Catholic Church From Ireland? ...

admin | July 24, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking, “Is It Time To Excommunicate The Catholic Church From Ireland?” The discussion is sparked by recent revelations and long-standing issues of clerical sex abuse….

Video Podcasts

Should Puberty Blockers Be Banned Worldwide? Episode 254

admin | July 23, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking, “Should Puberty Blockers Be Banned Worldwide?” The discussion is sparked by a recent interview between Elon Musk and psychologist Jordan Peterson. Musk shared his….

Video Podcasts

Coolock Vs The Government: Who Is Going To Back Down First? ...

admin | July 22, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking, “Who Is Going To Back Down First?” With the ongoing protests in Coolock, it seems to be the people versus the government. Recent events have heightened tensions….


Joe Biden Withdraws from 2024 US Presidential Race

admin | July 21, 2024 close

Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, stating it is “in the best interest of my party and the country.” This decision follows months of speculation about his age and fitness to serve another term, amidst several high-profile gaffes and a poor debate performance.

Video Podcasts

Who Are The Right Wing? Episode 252

admin | July 18, 2024 close

In this episode of the show, host Niall Boylan engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Ian O’Doherty, a journalist from the Irish Independent, and Ben Scallan from Gript Media, about the….

Video Podcasts

Day 2 Coolock: Does Protesting Work? Episode 251

admin | July 17, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall asks: Day 2 Coolock: Does protesting work? The question arises amidst the backdrop of recent unrest in Coolock, where Gardaí moved to facilitate the development of a site….

Video Podcasts

Why I won’t Condemn The Coolock Riots With John McGuirk

admin | July 17, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall Boylan speaks with John McGuirk from Gript Media about the recent riots in Coolock. The government is planning to convert the old Crown Paints factory into an accommodation….

Video Podcasts

Can You Be A Practicing Catholic And Support Abortion? Episode ...

admin | July 16, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall asks: Can you be a practicing Catholic and support abortion? The topic arises from a recent news story involving TD for Cork North-Central, Colm Burke, who was denied….

Video Podcasts

Security Failures: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt ...

admin | July 15, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall discusses the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump with international security specialist Will Geddes. They analyze the significant security lapses that allowed the….

Video Podcasts

Coolock Accommodation Protest Accelerates Episode 249

admin | July 15, 2024 close

Niall kicks things off by speaking with Robbie Kane, a reporter from Dublin Live, who gives us the latest developments on the ground. The protest centres around the use of the old Crown Paints….

Video Podcasts

Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt Episode 248

admin | July 15, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall discusses the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The assailant, Thomas Matthew Crooks, opened fire, resulting in….


Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Pennsylvania Rally

admin | July 14, 2024 close

An assassination attempt was made on former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The assailant, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel….

Video Podcasts

Snitches Get Stitches Episode 247

admin | July 11, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall asks: Would you report bad driving or reckless behavior on the roads? Gardai will soon be asking the public to report drivers speeding, driving poorly, or acting recklessly….

Video Podcasts

Is Recording The Nationality Of Criminals Relevant? 246

admin | July 10, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall asks the question: Is recording the nationality of criminals relevant? This topic stems from a viral video posted by Alex Phillips, a British journalist and TV presenter….

Video Podcasts

Are Prisons An Outdated Concept? Episode 245

admin | July 9, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall asks the question: Are prisons an outdated concept? With the government’s recent decision to release prisoners early to alleviate overcrowding, is it time to reconsider how….

Video Podcasts

Not No So Proud Of Pride Episode 244

admin | July 8, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall discusses a provocative email from a listener who, as a gay man, expressed relief that Pride Month is over. He finds the flamboyant and stereotypical celebrations….

Video Podcasts

Pinocchio Politicians Breaking Election Promises Episode 243

admin | July 4, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking: Should a politician who breaks an election promise or lies lose their position, or is that just part and parcel of politics? With election seasons often filled….

Video Podcasts

Welfare: A Better Deal than Working Episode 242

admin | July 3, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking: Is it time to get tough on people on welfare payments who are not trying to get a job? The topic arises from an analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO)….

Video Podcasts

Are We Loosing Our Irish Identity? Episode 241

admin | July 2, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking: Are we losing our Irishness or identity, or is that just old-fashioned people like me who won’t accept the world is now a global village? The topic is based on a….

Video Podcasts

1 In 6 Pregnancies End In Abortion Episode 240

admin | July 1, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall is asking: If The Abortion Referendum Was Run Again, Would You Vote The Same? The latest abortion figures released by the Government reveal that 10,033 abortions took….

Video Podcasts

Politicians Are Not Naturally Courageous With Rónán Mullen

admin | June 27, 2024 close

In this episode Niall sits down with Senator Rónán Mullen to discuss some of the most pressing issues in Irish politics. The conversation begins with the recent approval of international….

Video Podcasts

Does the EU Migration Pact benefit Ireland? Episode 239

admin | June 27, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall delves into whether the EU Migration Pact benefits Ireland. The legislation recently passed in the Dáil by a narrow margin, with 79 TDs voting in favor and 72 against. The….

Video Podcasts

Should Illegal Economic Migrants Be Allowed To Stay In Ireland? ...

admin | June 26, 2024 close

In this episode, Niall explores the question: Should Illegal Economic Migrants Be Allowed To Stay In Ireland? The discussion stems from a piece in Gript Media reporting on Irish Times journalist….


Ireland, UK, and Belgium’s Renewable Energy Corridor

admin | June 25, 2024 close

Ireland, the UK, and Belgium have signed a landmark agreement to develop a massive renewable energy corridor focused on offshore wind energy. This initiative aims to increase offshore wind….

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    Ukrainian Welfare To Be Reduced: Is It Fair? Episode 256
    Niall Boylan

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